RUNINOs is a search directory and a supplement to the long standing database, RUNINOut. We are a custom directory for restaurants, stores, museums, attractions, places to visit. We don’t list every venue but prefer to go with word of mouth. Our listings have to be screened and vetted and can be added by users like you. Listings are added after we visit, research and approve based on consumer reviews. Business owners can also claim their listing and update information. Users can also edit information and upload photos and are encouraged to provide reviews.
You can search for a specific cuisine, dish, ingredient, ambience. If you’re a sports junkie, you can find watch bars by searching for your favorite teams. You are virtually guaranteed to find something across the USA or across the world.
If you like Vietnamese food, search for Pho; if you’re in the mood for pasta, search for Bolognese; if you’re in the mood for German food, search for Sauerbraten; if you’re looking for Indonesian, search for Nasi Goreng. You can find virtually any food in the world here.
From your desk or on the road, you can conduct a detailed and deep search based on your preferences for food, drinks, events and entertainment. Not only are you shown pictures of the food, but you can also customize your search because eating pizza with your friends, with your family or on a date all may require a certain ambience, mood or environment. If you’re satisfied with the results, you can save in your profile or share it with your friends. Besides food (restaurants, food trucks, grocery stores), RUNINOs also features retail (clothing, accessories, home decor, etc) and attractions (museums, theme parks, etc). If you’re looking to go out, RUNINOs can be your personal digital tour guide.
Q: How do I use RUNINOs
Search Box
RUNINOs employs the same type of faceted search technology that E-Commerce sites like Zappos and Amazon uses.
Simply type whatever you want: Steak, Sirloin, Meat, Rare, even your neighborhood or Zip Code, and RUNINOs will find the exact dish that you are looking for.
RUNINOs is constantly compiling an expanding database of restaurant and dishes. We also offer cutting-edge faceted search capability. This means that you can select and filter specific criteria within multiple categories.
EG: Under the category, Cuisine, you select: Chinese, French and Lebanese. Under the Neighborhood criteria, you select: Adams Morgan, Falls Church and Rockville. Under the Taste criteria you select: Spicy, Baked and Sour. Under the Food Mood criteria, you select: Romantic, Adventurous, Cultural. The list goes on to include Price, Rating, Food Type, Ingredients, Foodies Then using these facets and constraints, we will provide you with all the results that best match the criteria.
The results are provided based on reviews and popularity. When you search seafood, the dishes that are most popular will show up first. When you search by neighborhood, the restaurants and stores that are the most popular will show up first. Ever wonder what the most popular dish at a restaurant or neighborhood is?Check it out..
Other Ways to Search on RUNINOs:
Q: What else do you provide besides Dining Out information?
RUNINOs also features museums, theaters, parks, memorials, and selected retail
Q: Why else would should consumers use RUNINOs:
- Planning a date
- Friends coming from out of town
- Planning group dinner
- Birthday, Anniversary
- HH event after work
- Visiting DC
- Hotel Concierges
Q: Will restaurants have access to their own restaurant page?
Yes restaurants are given full access to their page and can control which dishes to showcase. Restaurants can also update their pricing and post coupons and discounts. Restaurants however will not be able to remove or edit reviews.
Q: Why else would restaurants use RUNINOs
- Market Analysis before opening business
- Brand Analysis before purchasing goods
- Demographic Analysis before planning event
- Web Analysis before designing website
Q: Where do you get your photos?
Three primary sources: from the Restaurant or retail, from bloggers and from wonderful people like you. And of course, we all enjoy going out, too.
Q: Why should users post pictures on your site?
Posting pictures on RUNINOs will enhance the user’s profile so that we get to know what your favorite dishes, cuisines and ingredients are.
Q: Do you compete with Google, Bing and Yahoo? Not at all. RUNINOut is a vertical search engine that only slices one piece of the pie. If you are a Wal-Mart shopper you don’t go there all the time. If you’re purchasing tools you may go to a hardware store. In a similar vein, Google will provide you with the necessary results, but ours is more specialized.
Q: How do you determine which pictures will be displayed on your homepage?
Our goal is to serve as your online, interactive menu and to provide a comprehensive, seasonal display of the top dishes.
All pictures will be displayed, but the top dishes by rating and season will be featured more prominently. EG: During Valentine’s Day, top romantic dishes will be more prominently displayed.
Pictures that are not featured prominently on the landing page will still be featured prominently in the individual users’ page to provide an interactive display of each user’s favorite dishes.
Q: How do you get feedback about dishes and different cuisines?
From user’s reviews, ratings, customer traffic and social media shares (Facebook, Twitter and Google +)
Q: How are you different from Yelp
We are a search engine not a restaurant review site.
Q: How do you plan to get the word out?
Wonderful people like you will tell all your friends about us. Restaurants will also encourage their customers to visit their restaurant pages. Also restaurants will be provided a QR code so customers can quickly access the restaurant page.
Because RUNINOs is a social media site where users post pictures and reviews and share their experiences — word of mouth is the greatest tool.
Q: Why is RUNINOs so different?
RUNIN Out believes in user experience. We have created the Food Mood category and believe that certain restaurants and dishes will work better for depending on your particular mood or occasion. Many of our pictures include the foodies actually enjoying their meal — we believe in personalization.
Speaking of occasion, RUNIN Out also believes in romance and have categorized restaurants based on specific dates (Romantic, Platonic, Pre-Theater, First, etc).
Q: Can I request for a particular restaurant to be added?
Absolutely, you can add listings here.
Q: Where did you get the name?
The name RUNIN Out started as a running blog. Chito had just retired from the Navy and found himself at an important juncture in life. He started running and blogging, but before long realized that he enjoyed running mostly because he got to meet different people and learn from their life experiences.
It was at this time that the acronym RUNIN was formed.
RUNIN Out is Researching your preferences and priorities
It means using Google, Social Media, reading the news and fully understanding your topic.
RUNIN Out is Understanding your choices across all Neighborhoods and Cuisines, even dishes you would never consider eating. It also means understanding the other persons point of view and as much as I reasonably can about a topic. I love to learn background
RUNN Out is Negotiating your options to include other People, preferences, prices and Personality.
I never just say No. I ask Why” I ask a ton of relevant questions and I try to find a common ground that is Win Win
RUNIN Out is Innovating — leveraging the social network to make the smartest decision that would make your Mother proud.
Always try to use the innovative technology available to me (within budget and reach). I believe in tapping all resources: Email, Blogs, FB, Twitter, Instagram, Phone, text, in person meeting – so that we can come together and decide.
RUNIN Out is Networking –– sharing your ideas with others so that they can gain insight from your experiences. Then starting all over again…
N also stands for Navigating – Don’t wallow in indecision. After doing all of the above, I decide, realizing it may not be the best decision but it’s the best I can make at this time
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to add it here
Hope you enjoy the site. For questions or suggestions, please email: